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Welcome to my shop! I am an RE specialist so much of what you will find here is used for the RE classroom. Check back frequently for further uploads. Please message me with any questions etc.




Welcome to my shop! I am an RE specialist so much of what you will find here is used for the RE classroom. Check back frequently for further uploads. Please message me with any questions etc.


Third lesson in scheme of work focusing on moral/ethcial dilemmas that are faced by people around the world every day. This scheme of work looks at reasons for and against these dilemmas and what religions may say about this. This lesson introduces students to the concept of euthanasia by allowing them to explore the law in the UK and reasons why a person may or may not agree with the euthanasia. This lesson follows closely from lesson 1 around the sanctity of life. This is a complete lesson that has been designed with non subject specialists in mind so that it is fairly easy to pick up and teach. Lesson includes differentiated tasks, work sheets, on screen task management board and relevant information.
Violent protest and terrorism.

Violent protest and terrorism.

Second lesson for GCSE AQA Religion, peace and conflict paper (Theme D). This lesson explores the difference between violence and terrorism and looks in detail at the London riots of 2011. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Creation - Christianity.

Creation - Christianity.

Third lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity beliefs paper. This focuses on the different ideas about the Christian creation story. Students begin to tackle GCSE questions and compare the creation story with the big bang theory before students summarize their learning. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
AQA GCSE Islam practices.

AQA GCSE Islam practices.

7 Resources
Please find SOW for the Islam practices section of the AQA GCSE. Lessons can be adapted for other exam boards and cover important information for students to be successful in their GCSE. Power points include details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Lessons are planned with non subject specialists in mind so that anyone can pick up and teach them, Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Mission and evangelism - Christianity practices.

Mission and evangelism - Christianity practices.

Eighth lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity practices paper. This lesson focuses on the Christian practice of mission and evangelism, specifically Alpha and Overland missions. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Incarnation - Christianity.

Incarnation - Christianity.

Fifth lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity beliefs paper. This lesson focuses on the belief that Jesus was God and Jesus was human. Students examine evidence for Jesus’ humanity and His deity before students summarize their learning. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Worship - Christianity practices.

Worship - Christianity practices.

First lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity practices paper. This lesson focuses on the Christian practice of worship, both liturgical and non liturgical. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Situation ethics.

Situation ethics.

Fifth lesson in unit of work exploring what ethics is. Students will be exposed to the philosophies of Joseph Fletcher and his beliefs in Jesus’ teaching of “Love your neighbor”. Features - On screen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print.
Festivals  (Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha) - Islam practices.

Festivals (Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha) - Islam practices.

Seventh lesson for GCSE AQA Islam practices paper. This lesson looks the major festivals in Islam (Id-ul-Fitr and Id-ul-Adha). Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
AQA GCSE Christianity practices

AQA GCSE Christianity practices

9 Resources
Please find SOW for the Christianity practices section of the AQA GCSE. Lessons can be adapted for other exam boards and cover important information for students to be successful in their GCSE. Please find link to Christianity beliefs section of the course below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12678749 Power points include details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Lessons are planned with non subject specialists in mind so that anyone can pick up and teach them, Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
War (conflict) and peace.

War (conflict) and peace.

7 Resources
Scheme of work focusing on religion, peace and conflict. These lessons look at a number of different aspects of war including the causes, the moral aspect of going to war, pacifism, weapons of mass destruction and the just war theory. The lessons introduces students to the concept how and why wars start and moral guidance of how wars should be fought. These are complete lessons that has been designed with non subject specialists in mind so that it is fairly easy to pick up and teach. Lesson includes differentiated tasks, work sheets, on screen task management board and relevant information.
Crucifixion - Christianity.

Crucifixion - Christianity.

Sixth lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity beliefs paper. This lesson focuses on the belief that crucifixion of Jesus. Students learn about crucifixion and why the Romans used it as a form of execution. Students then think about why Jesus died and apply their knowledge to an exam question. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.


First lesson in scheme of work focusing on religion, peace and conflict. These lessons look at a number of different aspects of war including the causes, the moral aspect of going to war, pacifism, weapons of mass destruction and the just war theory. This lesson introduces students to the concept of pacifism and the influencial role in can play in warfare. The lessons take a specific look at the example of Desmond Doss and shows clips from Hacksaw ridge. This is a complete lesson that has been designed with non subject specialists in mind so that it is fairly easy to pick up and teach. Lesson includes differentiated tasks, work sheets, on screen task management board and relevant information.


Third lesson in scheme of work focusing on moral/ethcial dilemmas that are faced by people around the world every day. This scheme of work looks at reasons for and against these dilemmas and what religions may say about this. This lesson introduces students to the ethical issue of cloning and how humans are using animals. The lesson also allows students to understand religious beliefs about animals what role humans play in the world. This is a complete lesson that has been designed with non subject specialists in mind so that it is fairly easy to pick up and teach. Lesson includes differentiated tasks, work sheets, on screen task management board and relevant information.
Development of artificial intelligence

Development of artificial intelligence

Second lesson of four focusing on introducing pupils to artificial intelligence and the ethics around it. This lesson allows pupils to discover the origins of AI and highlights the influence of Alan Turing. The lesson also gets pupils to think about the limits to AI by suggesting thing that people once thought “That will never happen”
The ascension - Christianity

The ascension - Christianity

Eighth lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity beliefs paper. This lesson focuses on the events after the resurrection of Jesus and the story of “Doubting Thomas” Students then summarize their learning. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
Salah (Prayer) - Islam practices.

Salah (Prayer) - Islam practices.

Second lesson for GCSE AQA Islam practices paper. This lesson looks at the five daily prayers. Relevant video links in slides and revision sheets to be used with AQA textbook is included. Easy to adapt to other exam boards. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
The teachings of Jesus

The teachings of Jesus

Lesson two in six part SOW looking and the life of Jesus. This lesson looks at the teachings of Jesus by exploring some of His sayings and His parables. What lessons can we learn from these stories today? Lesson features; Ready to teach lessons. Clear tasks on board. Do now activity based on previous lesson taught (these can be changed). On screen task management board. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Homework activity planned.
AQA GCSE RE Christianity beliefs revision lesson.

AQA GCSE RE Christianity beliefs revision lesson.

Tenth lesson for GCSE AQA Christianity beliefs paper. This lesson give the students the opportunity to revise and recap before taking assessment. This lesson is built around the AQA GCSE RE textbook and the resources included work best alongside this book. Power point includes details of lesson tasks and relevant information for students to make use of during lesson. Features - Onscreen task management board for SEN students. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Additional slides to use if you have time in lesson.
The miracles of Jesus.

The miracles of Jesus.

Lesson one in six part SOW looking and the life of Jesus. This lesson looks at the miracles preformed by Jesus that are recorded in the bible and takes a focused look at Jesus walking on water. Lesson features; Ready to teach lessons. Clear tasks on board. Do now activity based on previous lesson taught (these can be changed). On screen task management board. Differentiated questioning for HAT/MAT/LAT students by Gold, Silver, Bronze task. Worksheets included in powerpoint ready to print. Homework activity planned.